I met Nancy 'accidentally' through the internet. She is one of the folks we all turn to when we are in need of help. We are part of a large group of stay at home business mom's, that communicate primarly through e-mail and chats. Nancy helps us to succeed in our endevors, and encourages us to make our dreams (really!) become a reality!

I thought I was organized until I met Nancy! She juggles her business, her home, her family, the volunteer work for the mom's group - and still offers to help individual mom's stay on track! She is always carrying an optimistic attitude, and a word of advice, even at 11:00 pm if necessary!

The only reason that Nancy wouldn't be successful is that the world had gone mad! I have been in the 'business world' for some time; I have seen few folks who are as determined and enthusiastic about their work as Nancy. She truly is amazing!! Honestly, when I'm feeling down about the time it is taking for us to get started; I think about Nancy because her enthusiasm and strength always re-charges me.

I have personally placed an order with Nancy's company and was very impressed in the customer service I received as well as the turnaround time for delivery. Her BOX-is are fantastic gifts; the gal that I gave it to absolutely loves hers! I kept one for myself as well, it has become quite a "keepsake" for my group of friends and me.

Jeane K. Schintgen, PartyPlease.com
After our original design project was complete, Nancy continued to be an inspiration to me as a writer and a woman. She offers fresh ideas and optimism during down times. Her goals include what is best for all women within her realm of expertise. She has exceptional drive and determination to succed in whatever her endeavor.

Claudia Lynn, Author, All About Life, askmothersadvice.com
Nancy is not only very very good at what she does, it seems to me that she enjoys doing it herself. As her client, I am enjoying bringing our ideas into reality. Nancy allows her clients to come up with ideas with her. She asks you to write them down, and lte her know if any new ones come up! She involves her client as much as the client will allow her. She just doesn't come up with all the ideas for you, she involves you in the project -. so we live the dream together. I absolutely love her technique, her outlook and her business approach.

~ Lisette Toth, author How to Make A Baby Boy and How To Make a Baby Girl eBooks HowtoMakeaBabyBoyorGirl.com

The most important trait about my sister, Nancy Cleary, is that she gives of herself without reservation. Her determination and self-motivation have made her the creative woman she is today. She has taken her education from the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design and used it with incredible success. She balances her home, family and business with great tenacity.

For others, she cultivates dreams into realities. As she nurtures the creativity of other woman it enhances her own success as a artistic woman. Her determination and success is mirrored in the women she has helped to achieve their goals. The philosophy of "what goes around comes around", can be witnessed tenfold in Nancy's ability to give of herself whenever needed.

I recently launched my business of clothing and accessories made of my hand painted silks. Nancy was instrumental in creating a professional image of me and my work. She applauded my rejections from prestigious crafts shows explaining the importance of failure in the development of a successful and creative woman. She has encouraged me to take risks, helped strengthened my self-esteem and boosted my confidence.

With her special personality traits, perseverance and motivation, Nancy will achieve her goals as she benefits many others whom she empowers as creative women.

Martha C. Palaza, PalazaDesigns.com

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Nancy has already survived the inevitable ups and downs, and more downs, but she has always persevered! I Nancy has also already shown her determination to a wide group of mother business owners. The amount of time she put into a recent project was above and beyond the scope of what was expected. Not to mention the out-of-pocket expenses she incurred. But Nancy is thinking about the future, and she is thinking globally, so I believe it was with the intention of moving her business as well as our group's businesses forward that she sacrificed as she did.

~ Jamie Elliott Greene
A Smart Baby.com LLC